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Table 4 Automated CALSA vs. Spirometry

From: Exploring the link between a novel approach for computer aided lung sound analysis and imaging biomarkers: a cross-sectional study


Spirometry (% predicted)





MEF25 − 75 (log)

MEF25 (log)

E/I ratio (log)

100–200 Hz

P = 0.160

P = 0.475

P = 0.816

P = 0.163

P = 0.203

200–400 Hz

P = 0.302

P = 0.705

P = 0.808

P = 0.232

P = 0.242

400–800 Hz

P = 0.583

P = 0.339

P = 0.116

P = 0.780

P = 0.876

800–1600 Hz

P = 0.329

P = 0.877

P = 0.769

P = 0.242

P = 0.274

Crackle count (sqrt)

Full cycle

P = 0.282

P = 0.756

P = 0.621

P = 0.109

P = 0.331


, P = 0.047*

P = 0.214

P = 0.191

, P = 0.013*

P = 0.077


P = 0.808

P = 0.632

P = 0.825

P = 0.445

P = 0.793

  1. P-values of the mixed-effects models are presented. Abbreviations: , positive association; , negative association; E/I ratio, expiratory/inspiratory ratio; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; MEF25−75, mean expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of FVC; MEF25, maximal expiratory flow when 25% of FVC remains to be exhaled; sqrt, square root; *, P < 0.05.