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Fig. 4 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 4

From: Targeting transitioning lung monocytes/macrophages as treatment strategies in lung disease related to environmental exposures

Fig. 4

LPS-induced transitioning CD11cintCD11bhi monocytes/macrophages are reduced with systemic delivery of clodronate liposomes. Mice were pre-treated with vehicle (Veh) or clodronate (Clod) liposomes 24 h prior to a one-time treatment with LPS (10 μg) or saline (Sal) control and euthanized at 48 h. Scatter plot with bars depicting mean with SD. A Total lung cells enumerated. B Representative contour plot of the four monocyte (mono)-Mɸ subpopulations across groups based upon CD11c and CD11b expression after removal of neutrophils gated from live CD45+ cells after excluding debris and doublets. C Number of CD11c+CD11blo alveolar (Alv) Mɸ, CD11c+CD11bhi activated (Act) Mɸ, CD11cintCD11bhi mono-Mɸ, and CD11c−CD11b.hi monocytes determined by multiplying lung cell % population by total lung cells enumerated from lung sample. (#p < 0.05 vs. respective saline) and (*p < 0.05 denoted by line with brackets denoting difference between groups). N = 8 (Veh + Sal), 8 (Clod + Sal), 8 (Veh + LPS), 9 (Clod + LPS)

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