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Fig. 7 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 7

From: GLUT3-mediated cigarette smoke-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through the NF-kB/ZEB1 pathway

Fig. 7

Schematic representation of plausible mechanism shows the potential role of GLUT3 in COPD. GLUT3 is positively regulated in bronchial epithelial cells and GLUT3-mediated cigarette smoke induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition by up-regulating the NF-κB/ZEB1 pathway, inducing airway epithelial cells to lose their epithelial characteristics with the loss of polarity and junctional proteins. Airway epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal features such as a spindle shape and to the ability to migrate and secrete matrix proteins. Finally, the extracellular matrix deposition causes airway remodelling, ultimately leading to COPD

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