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Table 4 Comparison of DE, DTF and EMG of between the two groups (post-therapy)

From: Positive effect of deep diaphragmatic breathing training on gastroesophageal reflux-induced chronic cough: a clinical randomized controlled study


Abdominal Breathing

Quite Breathing

GERC group

(n = 22)

Control group

(n = 20)

Test results

GERC group

(n = 22)

Control group

(n = 20)

Test results

DE (dm)

0.51 (0.05)

0.51 (0.04)

t = 0.121, P = 0.904

0.17 (0.02)

0.17 (0.00)

t = 0.116, P = 0.908

DTF (%)

169.50 (22.47)

150.55 (25.54)

t = 2.558, P = 0.014

59.82 (11.08)

55.10 (12.85)

t = 1.278, P = 0.209

sEMdi (%MVC)

79.00 (2.49)

74.65 (1.93)

t = 6.228, P = 0.000

72.73 (1.96)

67.15 (2.48)

t = 8.136, P = 0.000

  1. Data are presented as mean (SD)
  2. DE: Diaphragm excursion; DTF: Diaphragm Thickening fraction; sEMGdi: surface diaphragmatic EMG activity; MVC: maximal voluntary contraction