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Fig. 2 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 2

From: Identifying a survival-associated cell type based on multi-level transcriptome analysis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Fig. 2

The correlation between the increased proportion of ATII-CCL20 cell subtype and poor prognosis in IPF patients. A–C The Kaplan–Meier survival curves for overall survival (OS) of IPF patients in GSE70866 (A), GSE27957 (B), and GSE28042 (C) showed worse survival outcomes for IPF patients with a high proportion of ATII-CCL20 cell subtype. D Typical marker genes of ATII cell: SFTPC and LAMP3. E, F Marker genes of ATII-1 and ATII-2 cell subtype. G Marker genes of ATII-CCL20 cell subtype. H ROC curve of the binary classification model for the proportion of ATII-CCL20 cell subtype in the training set GSE70866. I, J ROC curves of the binary classification model for the proportion of ATII-CCL20 cell subtype in the validation datasets GSE27957 (I) and GSE28042 (J)

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