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Fig. 4 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 4

From: Single-cell analysis reveals alterations in cellular composition and cell-cell communication associated with airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma

Fig. 4

Characterization of lymphoid population in NC and AS groups. (A). A total of 15 clusters of lymphoid cells were identified. Each cell cluster was colored as indicated by the legend. (B) Stacked violin plots to visualize the expression level of signature gene markers in each cell population. (C) Left: the cell number of each cell cluster in NC and AS group; Right: representation of the relative cell proportion of each cell cluster, Fisher’s exact test computed significance of enrichment and highlighted with asterisks: *P < 0.05; **FDR < 0.05. (D) GSEA analysis identified significantly enriched signaling pathways in selected lymphoid cell clusters. All terms were significantly enriched (adjusted p-value < 0.05), dot size denoted -log10 (adjusted p-value) and normalized enrichment scores were shown in color legend. (E) Heatmap showing the DEGs involved in selected signaling pathways in GdT17 cell. Log2FC and -log10 (adjusted p-value) of gene were shown in color legend, enrichment score of signaling pathway was sorted and displayed in the bottom annotation bar. (F) Volcano plot displaying comparison of gene expression between the NC and AS group in GdT17 cell cluster. Up-regulated DEGs in AS group were highlighted in red and blue denoted down-regulated DEGs. Representative DEGs were labeled. The dot size represented the absolute log2Foldchange of gene expression

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