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Fig. 2 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 2

From: Single-cell analysis reveals alterations in cellular composition and cell-cell communication associated with airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma

Fig. 2

Map of the cellular composition of lungs in the NC and AS groups. (A) UMAP plot of scRNA-seq data from normal (n = 3) and asthma (n = 3) identified 34 cell clusters. (B) Feature plot of markers defining immune, epithelial, endothelial, mesenchymal and mesothelial populations. (C) UMAP plot illustrating major cell populations identified by distinct markers, with each population represented by different colors. (D) Dot plot of selected marker genes for each cell cluster. (E) Comparison of immune and non-immune cell proportion in normal and asthma, the significance of enrichment is computed by Fisher’s exact test with asterisks *** representing FDR (false discovery rate) < 0.01. (F) Left: Stacked bar plot showing relative cell proportion in each sample across major cell populations (A1-A3: asthma, C1-C3: normal); middle: the percentage of cells derived from normal and asthma group within different major cell types; right: the total cell number in each cell cluster

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