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Table 5 Effects of DNA measures on the rate of exacerbations by eosinophil count†

From: Cell-free DNA levels associate with COPD exacerbations and mortality


Eosinophil count < 300

n = 1,618 − 28*

Eosinophil count ≥ 300

n = 423-6*

cf-mtDNA copy number (natural log)

1.02 (0.25)

1.09 (0.007)

cf-nDNA copy number (natural log)

1.02 (0.60)

1.07 (0.21)

  1. Definition of abbreviations: cf-mtDNA = cell-free mitochondrial DNA; cf-nDNA = cell-free nuclear DNA
  2. †Cells represent the ratio of the mean (P value) from a gamma regression. All analyses are adjusted for age, body mass index, and sex. *values are different depending on DNA measure