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Fig. 4 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 4

From: A gene-based score for the risk stratification of stage IA lung adenocarcinoma

Fig. 4

Prognostic effect of IA score in stage IA lung adenocarcinoma. OS (A) and DFS/PFS (B) curves for two categories of patients for whole LUAD and its different stages (IA, IB-II, III, and IV) according to the value of IA score (median value as the cutoff); Efficacies of IA score and classical demographic factors (left) and driver mutations (right) for predicting OS (C) and DFS (D) in decision curve analysis; E survival curves for two categories of patients for stage I cancers according to the value of IA score (median value as the cutoff). OS overall survival, DFS disease-free survival, PFS progression-free survival, LUAD lung adenocarcinoma, PFI progression-free interval, DFI disease-free interval, DSS disease-specific survival

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