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Fig. 7 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 7

From: Assessing the protection elicited by virus-like particles expressing the RSV pre-fusion F and tandem repeated G proteins against RSV rA2 line19F infection in mice

Fig. 7

H&E and PAS staining to evaluate pulmonary histopathological changes in mice. Lung tissues were collected from RSV-infected mice and tissues were subsequently stained to visualize the pulmonary damage inflicted by RSV rA2-line19F infection. H&E stained representative lung tissue cross-sections from each group were provided (A) and cross-sections were scored based on the disease severity (B). PAS staining was also performed to confirm mucin secretion in the lungs of mice (C) and random fields of view were scored based on the scoring criteria (D). Scale bars indicate 200 μm. Black arrows pointing at the magenta-colored regions indicate mucin production. Data are presented as mean ± SD and statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons post hoc test (** p < 0.01 compared to naïve + challenge)

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