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Fig. 5 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 5

From: Fine particulate matter contributes to COPD-like pathophysiology: experimental evidence from rats exposed to diesel exhaust particles

Fig. 5

Mucus production and epithelial cell morphology of the small airways. The MUC5AC-immunopositive cells (red arrows, A) and PAS-positive goblet cells (blue arrows, C) were indicated. Quantification analysis showed that the number of MUC5AC positive cells of the superficial epithelia was increased significantly following DEP exposures over 4-wk and 8-wk (** p < 0.01, B). The number of PAS positive cells was also increased significantly following DEP exposures for 4-wk and 8-wk (** p < 0.01, D). Data were expressed as mean (95% CI). Magnification of the lower panel images in A and C, 1000 x, ns = not significant

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