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Table 1 Overview of study participants

From: Proteomic associations with forced expiratory volume: a Mendelian randomisation study



Sex = Female (%)

804 (54.4)

Age—years [mean (SD)]

76.4 (5.8)

Height—cm [mean (SD)]

167.4 (9.5)

Weight—kg [mean (SD)]

75.5 (14.7)

BMI—kg/m2 [mean (SD)]

26.8 (4.3)

Eversmoker (%)†

863 (59.9)

FEV1—L [mean (SD)]

2.13 (0.69)

FEV1—% of predicted* [mean (SD)]

0.89 (0.22)

FVC—L [mean (SD)]

2.99 (0.84)

FVC—% of predicted* [mean (SD)]

0.92 (0.17)

Low (70%) FEV1/FVC (%)

548 (37.1)

  1. †38 participants had missing smoking data
  2. *Predicted values based on Hankinson et al. [25]
  3. Summary statistics for all AGES-Reykjavik participants with genotype data available are previously published [24]
  4. BMI: Body Mass Index
  5. FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in the first second
  6. FVC: Forced vital capacity
  7. SD: Standard deviation
  8. L: Litres