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Table 3 Clinical outcomes of the overall population receiving benralizumab treatment at 1-year of follow-up

From: Achieving clinical outcomes with benralizumab in severe eosinophilic asthma patients in a real-world setting: ORBE II study



1-year FUP

Severe exacerbations

N = 204

 N = 204

Severe exacerbations, mean (SD)

2.5 (2.3)

0.36 (0.98)

Patients with zero severe exacerbations, n/N (%)

31/204 (15.2%)

166/204 (81.4%)

Changes in severe exacerbations


N = 173

Patients with reduction in exacerbations, n/N (%)


161/173 (93.1%)

Patients achieving ≥ 50% reduction in severe exacerbations, n/N (%)


159/173 (91.9%)

Percentage reduction in severe exacerbations



Asthma-related healthcare resource use

N = 204

 N = 204

Patients with no hospitalizations, n/N (%)

159/203 (78.3%)

196/204 (96.1%)

Hospitalizations, mean (SD)

0.4 (0.9)

0.1 (0.3)

Patients with no ED visits, n/N (%)

118/204 (57.8%)

188/204 (92.2%)

ED visits, mean (SD)

0.9 (1.8)

0.1 (0.4)

Changes in use of asthma-related healthcare resources


N = 204

Percentage reduction in mean hospitalizations



Percentage reduction in ED visits



Lung function

N = 170

 N = 134

Pre-BD FEV1 (mL), mean (SD)

1909 (780)b

2186 (809)c

Pre-BD FEV1 (% predicted), mean (SD)

67.3 (21.0)

78.7 (22.2)

Patients with pre-BD FEV1 ≥ 80%, n/N (%)

50/170 (29.4%)

62/134 (46.3%)

Changes in lung function


N = 114

Pre-BD FEV1 increment ≥ 100mL, n/N (%)


76/114 (66.7)

Increase in pre-BD FEV1 (mL), mean (SD)


331 (413)

Asthma control

N = 148

 N = 130

ACT score, mean (SD)

14.1 (5.1)

20.9 (4.8)

Patients with ACT score ≥ 20, n/N (%)

24/148 (16.2%)

96/130 (73.8%)

Patients with ACT score increase ≥ 3, n/N (%)


75/104 (72.1%)

Increase in ACT score, mean (SD)


6.6 (6.0)d

  1. Due to the nature of this real-world study, sample sizes vary due to missing/unavailable/invalid data. “N” represents the total number of patients with valid data. All percentages were calculated over the total number of patients with valid data unless otherwise specified
  2. aPercentage calculated out of a total of 204 patients; dmean calculated over 104 patients; bData missing from 16 patients: cData missing from 7 patients
  3. ACT, asthma control test; ED, emergency department; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second; FUP, follow-up; pre-BD, pre-bronchodilator; SD, standard deviation