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Table 2 Analyzed combined clinical-radiological scores

From: Validation of clinical-radiological scores for prognosis of mortality in acute pulmonary embolism



BOVA [8]

- Systolic Blood Pressure 90-100mmHg (2 points),

- Cardiac troponin elevation (2 points),

- RV dysfunction, echocardiogram or CT scan (2 points),

- Heart rate ≥ 110 min− 1 (1 point).

PEMS [9]

- sPESI > 2 points (1 point),

- pH < 7.35 (1 point),

- minimal diastolic blood pressure < 45mmHg (1 point),

- IVC reflux grade 3 (1 point),

- need for vasopressors (2 points).

ESC 2019 [10]

- need for vasopressors,

- sPESI ≥ 1,

- RV dysfunction, echocardiogram or CT scan,

- Cardiac troponin elevation.

Kumamaru [11]

- Age (years points),

- Pleural effusion (20 points),

- Pericardial effusion (20 points),

- Lung nodule or liver mass being not apparently benign or multiple or destructive bone lesion (60 points),

- History of chronic interstitial lung disease (20 points),

- Enlarged lymph node of > 1 cm in diameter in the thorax (20 points),

- Ascites (40 points).

CAPE [12]

- Heart rate ≥ 100 min− 1 (1 point),

- Systolic Blood Pressure 90-100mmHg (1 point),

- RV/LV ratio ≥ 1,5, CT scan (3 points),

- Central PA clot (1 point)

sPESI [13]

- Age > 80 years old (1 point),

- History of cancer (1 point),

- History of chronic cardiopulmonary disease (1 point),

- Heart rate ≥ 110 min− 1 (1 point),

- Systolic Blood Pressure < 100mmHg (1 point),

- Oxygen saturation < 90% (1 point).