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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population during acute asthma when the study participants presented to hospital

From: LPS binding protein and activation signatures are upregulated during asthma exacerbations in children


Atopic asthmatic

Number of participants


Male, n (%)

12 (63)

Age at recruitment in years, median (range)

8.7 (6.9–13.2)

Inhalant allergy positive (%)


HDM-specific IgE (kU/L), median [interquartile range]

8.3 [1.7–33.4]

Cat IgE (kU/L), median [interquartile range]

0.5 [0.2–6.8]

Total IgE (kU/L), median [interquartile range]

585.3 [241.6–926.0]

Rhinovirus (HRV), prevalence, positive/tested, (%)

11/14 (78.6)b

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), prevalence, positive/tested, (%)

0/13 (0.0)

Adenovirus (AdV), prevalence, positive/tested, (%)

0/13 (0.0)

Influenza virus (InfV), prevalence, positive/tested, (%)

1/13 (7.7)

Parainfluenza virus (PIV), prevalence, positive/tested, (%)

1/13 (7.7)

  1. aInhalant positive 18/19 based on IgE titre; 1 participant based on skin prick test (SPT). Virology data was only available for b14 participants. Skin prick test were classified positive if wheal diameter was ≥ 3 mm