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Table 3 Distribution of the estimated ambient temperature and PM2.5 concentrations at residence

From: Ambient fine particulate matter and allergic symptoms in the middle-aged and elderly population: results from the PIFCOPD study


Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)


Short-term PM2.5, µg/m3


 Lag0 day

35.19 (27.32)

30.00 (25.00)

1.00 to 288.00

 Lag0–7 day

34.73 (20.93)

31.75 (22.00)

2.00 to 197.12

Long-term PM2.5, µg/m3



50.56 (15.27)

49.84 (20.47)

10.93 to 86.50


54.08 (16.92)

53.09 (23.64)

13.43 to 93.32


59.79 (17.88)

59.41 (23.71)

15.45 to 100.35

 Ambient temperaturea, ℃

20.81 (7.88)

23.08 (7.61)

− 19.03 to 32.76

  1. aAverage on the day the allergic symptoms questionnaire was administered. PM2.5, particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 µm