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Table 2 Allergic symptoms prevalence in the PIFCOPD study population

From: Ambient fine particulate matter and allergic symptoms in the middle-aged and elderly population: results from the PIFCOPD study

Questionnaire items

N (%)

Allergic nasal symptoms


 Does not sometimes have an itchy, runny, or stuffy nose

9576 (94)

 Does sometimes have an itchy, runny or stuffy nose

566 (5.6)

Allergic eye symptoms


 Does not sometimes have itchy, watery, swollen or burning eyes

9520 (94)

 Does sometimes have itchy, watery, swollen or burning eyes

622 (6.1)



 Has not had wheezing symptoms

10,022 (99)

 Has had wheezing symptoms

120 (1.2)

Worsening dyspnea caused by allergens


 Has not had worsened shortness of breath due to exposure to dust, pollen, or pets

9813 (97)

 Has had worsened shortness of breath due to exposure to dust, pollen or pets

329 (3.2)

 ≥ 2 allergic symptoms

421 (4.2)

  1. Data are presented as n (%)