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Table 1 Demographics and risk factors by allergic symptoms in the PIFCOPD population (N = 10,142)

From: Ambient fine particulate matter and allergic symptoms in the middle-aged and elderly population: results from the PIFCOPD study



 < 2 allergic symptoms

 ≥ 2 allergic symptoms


N = 10,142

N = 9721

N = 421





6386 (63)

6118 (63)

268 (64)



3756 (37)

3603 (37)

153 (36)


Age, y

59.27 (8.41)

59.28 (8.42)

59.03 (8.17)


BMI group



 < 25 kg/m2

5938 (59)

5691 (59)

247 (59)


 25–29.9 kg/m2

3548 (35)

3405 (35)

143 (34)


 ≥ 30 kg/m2

656 (6.5)

625 (6.4)

31 (7.4)


Education level


 < 0.001

 No schooling or primary school

1824 (18)

1795 (18)

29 (6.9)


 Middle school

4555 (45)

4409 (45)

146 (35)


 High school

2387 (24)

2236 (23)

151 (36)


 College or higher

1376 (14)

1281 (13)

95 (23)


 Passive smoking

975 (9.6)

901 (9.3)

74 (18)

 < 0.001

Smoking type



 Never smoker

8234 (81)

7916 (81)

318 (76)


 Former or current smoker

1908 (19)

1805 (19)

103 (24)


Cumulative smoking exposure, pack-years




8234 (81)

7916 (81)

318 (76)



706 (7.0)

668 (6.9)

38 (9.0)


 ≥ 20

1202 (12)

1137 (12)

65 (15)


Biomass exposure

495 (4.9)

466 (4.8)

29 (6.9)


Household cooking

5896 (58)

5599 (58)

297 (71)

 < 0.001

Occupational exposure

771 (7.6)

699 (7.2)

72 (17)

 < 0.001

Family history of asthma

295 (2.9)

256 (2.6)

39 (9.3)

 < 0.001

Geographic region


 < 0.001


6627 (65)

6283 (65)

344 (82)



1678 (17)

1647 (17)

31 (7.4)



768 (7.6)

724 (7.4)

44 (10)



1069 (11)

1067 (11)

2 (0.5)




 < 0.001


373 (3.7)

369 (3.8)

4 (1.0)



1594 (16)

1525 (16)

69 (16)



6325 (62)

6095 (63)

230 (55)



1850 (18)

1732 (18)

118 (28)

  1. Data are presented mean (SD) for continuous variables and n (%) for categorical variables
  2. aSeason in which the allergic symptoms questionnaire was administered. BMI, body mass index