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Table 2 Prediction models for asthma development

From: Benchmarking omics-based prediction of asthma development in children




Linear models


Logistic Regression models the probability of object belonging to a class by having the log-odds for the class to be a linear combination of features



Logistic Regression with build-in validation support to find the optimal parameters



Logistic Regression with reduced features using VAE (Variational AutoEncoder)

[43, 44]


LRCV-VAE: Logistic Regression with build-in validation support to find the optimal parameters and reduced features using VAE

[43, 44]

Nearest neighbors


k-nearest neighbors algorithm that predicts the class of object to the class of most common among its k nearest neighbors


Support vector machine


C-Support Vector Classification is a method for classification by constructing a set of hyperplanes in high dimensional space


Ensemble methods


AdaBoost algorithm is an iterative procedure that tries to approximate the Bayes classifiers by combining many weak classifiers

[47, 48]


Learning procedure in Gradient Tree Boosting consecutively fit new models to provide a more accurate estimate of the response variable

[49, 50]


Random forest is an ensemble classifier by constructing many decision trees and the final prediction is selected by most trees



Bagging algorithm is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor, then using these predictions to get an aggregated predictor



Aggregate the predictions of all other classifiers together. The continuous probability of a subject being asthmatic is the average probabilities of 15 methods, and a subject is predicted as asthmatic if it was predicted as asthmatic by at least 7 methods


Decision trees


Decision Trees predict the response value by learning simple decision rules inferred from the data features



An extremely randomized tree classifier is a tree-based ensemble method consisting of randomizing strongly both attribute and cut point choice


Naïve Bayes


Implements the Naïve Bayes training and classification for data that is distributed based on multivariate Bernoulli distribution



Implements the Naïve Bayes training and classification for data that is distributed based on multivariate Gaussian distribution


Neural networks


Multi-layer Perceptron in a fully connected feedforward neural networks with at least three layers



MOGONET is a multi-omics data analysis framework for classification tasks utilizing graph convolutional networks



Tabnet uses a canonical deep neural networks architecture for tabular data with interpretability
