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Table 1 Baseline participant characteristics

From: Associations of symptoms of anxiety and depression with health-status, asthma control, dyspnoea, dysfunction breathing and obesity in people with severe asthma



Sample population

Severe asthma with No Anxiety and/or Depression (severe asthma noAand/orD)

Severe asthma with Anxiety (severe asthma + A)

Severe asthma with Depression (severe asthma + D)

Severe asthma with both Anxiety and Depression (severe asthma + A&D)


 Sample number








n (%)

87 (62)

39 (53)

6 (55)

27 (73)

15 (83)✦*


Years, median [Q1,Q3]

59.3 [18.6, 82.3]

60.5 [23.9, 78.8]

68.5 [18.9, 76.2]

52.8 ([8.6, 73.5]

54.9 ([3.3, 82.3]

 OCS daily use


n (%)

40 (29)

20 (27)

5 (45)

10 (27)

5 (28)


100 (71)

54 (73)

6 (54)

27 (72)

13 (72)

 OCS dose


14 (1, 50)

11 (1, 50)

19 (1, 50)

15 (5, 25)

21 (2, 30)

 ICS dose

Beclomethasone equv. µg/day

2000 (2000, 2000)

2000 (2000, 2000)

2000 (2000, 2000)

2000 (2000, 2000)

2000 (2000, 2000)

 Total exacerbation past year

median, range

3.1 (0, 15)

2.5 (0, 12)

3.5 (0, 15)

4.4 (0, 14)✦*

2.9 (0, 10)

 Current antidepressant/anxiolytic use

n (%)

33 (24)

20 (27)

4 (36)

18 (49)

3 (17)


 Airflow limitation

FEV1% predicted, mean [95% CI]

74.7 [71.2, 78.3]

75.1 [70.3, 79.7]

66.3 [48.8, 83.8]

74.7 [67.5, 82.0]

79.0 [68.7, 89.3]

Post β2 FEV1/FVC %, mean [95% CI]

85.0 [82.2, 87.7]

86.8 [83.3, 90.3]

75.9 [60.9, 90.9]

83.4 [77.8, 89.0]

86.1 [78.2, 94.1]

Post β2 FVC % predicted, mean [95% CI]

68.0 [65.7, 70.2]

66.5 [63.4, 69.6]

66.9 [55.8, 78.1]

69.4 [65.0, 73.7]

71.8 [66.3, 77.4]

 Airway T2 high inflammation

FeNO (ppb), mean [95% CI]

28.0 [22.2, 33.8]

28.2 [20.2, 36.2]

15.3 [7.3, 23.3]

32.8 [20.0, 45.6]

23.9 [3.9, 44.0]

 Airway inflammation—eosinophilic

Sputum Eosinophils (%), mean [95% CI]

8.6 [6.4, 10.8]

9.5 [6.0, 13.0]

4.6 [− 0.4, 9.6]

8.4 [4.8, 12.0]

7.4 [1.4, 13.3]

 Airway inflammation—neutrophilic

Sputum Neutrophils (%), mean [95% CI]

40.0 [35.5, 44.5]

40.1 [34.2, 46.0]

47.8 [30.3, 65.2]

40.5 [30.3, 50.7]

34.2 [20.0, 48.3]


MMRC Score, mean [95% CI]

2.0 [1.8, 2.3]

1.6 [1.3, 1.8]

2.2 [1.2, 3.1]

2.6 [2.2, 3.0]✦***

2.8 [2.2, 3.4]✦***

Extra pulmonary

 Dysfunctional breathing

Nijmegen Score, mean [95% CI]

22.6 [20.7, 24.6]

18.6 [16.1, 21.0]

25.1 [15.7, 34.5]

25.9 [22.4, 29.4]✦*

31.1 [26.6, 35.6]✦***

 Systemic inflammation

Hs-CRP (mg/L), mean [95% CI]

6.9 [4.6, 9.3]

3.5 [2.4, 4.6]

17.8 [-9.7, 45.2]

10.8 [6.0, 15.5]✦***

6.4 [2.7, 10.1]

IL-6 (ng/mL), mean [95% CI]

3.5 [2.7, 4.3]

3.1 [2.3, 3.8]

3.2 [0.9, 5.5]

4.4 [2.5, 6.4]

3.3 [0.5, 6.1]

Blood Eosinophils (× 109/L), mean [95% CI]

0.3 [0.2, 0.3]

0.3 [0.2, 0.3]

0.3 [0.1, 0.4]

0.3 [0.2, 0.4]

0.4 [0.2, 0.6]

Blood Neutrophils (× 109/L), mean [95% CI]

5.3 [4.9, 5.8]

5.0 [4.5, 5.5]

6.4 [3.8, 9.0]

6.1 [5.2, 6.9]

4.5 [3.7, 5.3]^*

 Atopic status

IgE (IU/mL), mean [95% CI]

415.5 [280.4, 550.5]

432.7 [252.3, 613.1]

216.3 [47.4, 385.2]

349.2 [103.9, 594.6]

587.1 [− 1.9, 1176.1]


BMI (kg/m2), mean [95% CI]

31.6 [30.2, 32.9]

30.4 [28.9, 31.9]

28.7 [22.9, 34.4]

32.3 [29.6, 35.1]

36.8 [30.8, 42.8]✦*

Risk factors and behavioural

 Absence of written action plan

Absence of WAP, n (%)

44 (31)

21 (28)

2 (18)

13 (35)

8 [44]

 Exercise intolerance

6-min walk test (metres), mean [95% CI]

452.4 [434.4, 470.4]

469.4 [445.0, 493.8]

454.8 [374.4, 535.3]

439.1 [403.9, 474.2]

404.3 [352.2, 456.5]

  1. Descriptive data presented as n (%), mean ± SD or median [Q1, Q3]. Bonferroni post hoc test and Kruskal Wallis post hoc Test: ✦p < 0.02 versus severe asthma only participants; ^ = versus Severe asthma + D. Levels of significance: * < 0.05; ** < 0.01; *** < 0.001; **** < 0.0001. OCS (Oral Corticosteroids), ICS (Inhaled Corticosteroids), FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second), FVC (Forced Volume Capacity), FeNO (Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide), Ppb (Parts per billion), mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council), BMI (Body Mass Index), hs-CRP (High sensitivity-C-Reactive Protein), IL-6 (Interleukin), IgE (Immunoglobulin), 6MWD (6-Minute Walk Distance), WAP (Written Action Plan)