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Fig. 6 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 6

From: Perfusion imaging heterogeneity during NO inhalation distinguishes pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) from healthy subjects and has potential as an imaging biomarker

Fig. 6

\({\dot{\rm V}}/{\dot{\rm Q}}\) distributions in PAH subjects and controls. The distributions of \({\dot{\rm V}}/{\dot{\rm Q}}\) ratios at baseline in PAH subjects were overall broader than in controls at baseline, approaching statistical significance, consistent with moderate degrees of vascular disease, causing a mismatch. There was no difference in the \({\dot{\rm V}}/{\dot{\rm Q}}\) distribution among groups while breathing O2 + iNO, in large part due to the widening of the \({\dot{\rm V}}/{\dot{\rm Q}}\) distribution in controls. \({\dot{\rm V}}/{\dot{\rm Q}}\) distributions while breathing O2 + iNO were unimodal in all subjects, including those with a bimodal distribution prior to the intervention

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