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Table 1 Description of the study characteristics and air pollution exposures

From: Chronic air pollution-induced subclinical airway inflammation and polygenic susceptibility


SALIA study sample



Airway inflammatory biomarkers

 Arithmetic mean tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) [pg/ml] (sd)

2.5 (2.4) [N = 292]

 Geometric mean TNF-α [pg/ml] (gsd)

1.8 (2.1) [N = 292]

 Mean loge-TNF-α [pg/ml] (sd)

0.6 (0.7) [N = 292]

 Arithmetic mean leukotriene (LT) B4 [pg/ml] (sd)

867.0 (797.5)

 Geometric mean LTB4 [pg/ml] (gsd)

646.3 (2.1)

 Mean loge-LTB4 [pg/ml] (sd)

6.5 (0.8)

 Arithmetic mean total number of cells [× 105] (sd)

23.0 (26.3)

 Geometric mean total number of cells [× 105] (gsd)

14.8 (2.7)

 Mean loge-total number of cells [× 105] (sd)

2.7 (1.0)

 Arithmetic mean tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) [pg/ml] (sd)

867.0 (797.5)

Study characteristics

 Mean age ± sd

74.4 ± 2.7

 Mean body mass index [kg/m2] ± sd

27.6 ± 4.6

 Less than 10 years education of the participant or spouse (%)

51 (17.2)

 10 years maximal education of the participant or spouse (%)

150 (50.7)

 More than 10 years of the participant or spouse (%)

95 (32.1)

 Ever smoker (%)

49 (16.6)

 Second-hand smoking (%)

173 (58.5)

 Indoor mould (%)

45 (15.2)

 Heating with fossil fuels (%)

44 (15.2) [n = 289]

 Chronic inflammatory respiratory conditions

81 (27.7)

Air pollution exposure

 Median chronic NO2 exposure [µg/m3] (IQR)

29.8 (10.3)

 Median chronic NOx exposure [µg/m3] (IQR)

46.5 (27.5)

 Median chronic PM2.5 exposure [µg/m3] (IQR)

25.8 (2.8)

 Median chronic PM10 exposure [µg/m3] (IQR)

38.8 (3.0)

 Median chronic PMcoarse exposure [µg/m3] (IQR)

13.4 (2.7)

 Median chronic PM2.5 absorbance exposure [10–5/m] (IQR)

2.0 (0.6)

  1. sd standard deviation, IQR interquartile ranges
  2. total number of cells = the sum of eosinophils, macrophages, neutrophils and epithelial cells in induced sputum
  3. Chronic inflammatory respiratory condition = any condition of asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, cough, cough with sputum or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease