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Table 5 Acute exacerbations at 12 months according to predicted FVC% at baseline

From: Clinical management and acute exacerbations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Spain: results from the OASIS study



N = 204

FVC < 50%

N = 22

FVC 50–80%

N = 152

FVC > 80%

N = 30


Patients who experienced an AE-IPF during the study, n (%)

22 (10.8%)

6 (27.3%)

13 (8.6%)

3 (10.0%)


Number of AE-IPF per patienta, mean (SD)

0.14 (0.44)

0.41 (0.80)

0.11 (0.38)

0.10 (0.31)


Number of exacerbations by patient—groupa, n (%)



 0 exacerbations

182 (89.2%)

16 (72.7%)

139 (91.4%)

27 (90.0%)


 1 exacerbation

18 (8.8%)

4 (18.2%)

11 (7.2%)

3 (10.0%)


 > 1 exacerbations

4 (2.0%)

2 (9.1%)

2 (1.3%)

0 (0.0%)


Number of AE-IPF per patient with AEb , mean (SD)

1.27 (0.63)

1.50 (0.84)

1.23 (0.60)

1.00 (0.00)


Duration of AE-IPF (in days), mean (SD)

16.50 (18.38)

12.67 (6.32)

20.56 (23.15)

6.33 (5.03)


  1. In bold, p-values < 0.05
  2. 22 patients reported 28 AE-IPF events through the study period. AE-IPF acute exacerbation of IPF, FVC forced vital capacity, IPF idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, SD standard deviation
  3. aOver all patients (n = 204). Patient without exacerbation was imputed 0 exacerbations
  4. bOver the patients with exacerbations (n = 22)