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Table 1 Biomarker specifications

From: LPA1 antagonist BMS-986020 changes collagen dynamics and exerts antifibrotic effects in vitro and in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis



Process measured

\(\mathrm{\alpha }\)-SMA [17]

N-terminal of alpha-smooth muscle actin

Myofibroblast marker

FBN-C [18]

C-terminal of fibronectin

Fibronectin formation

C1M [19]

Neoepitope of MMP-2,9,13–mediated degradation of type I collagen

Type I collagen degradation

C3A [20]

Neoepitope of ADAMTS-1,4,8–mediated degradation of type III collagen

Type III collagen degradation

C3M [21]

Neoepitope of MMP-9–mediated degradation of type III collagen

Type III collagen degradation

C4M2 [22]

Neoepitope of MMP-2,9,12–mediated degradation of type IV collagen

Type IV collagen degradation

C6M [23]

Neoepitope of MMP-2–mediated degradation of type VI collagen

Type VI collagen degradation

PRO-C1 [24]

Internal epitope in the N-terminal propeptide of type I collagen

Type I collagen formation

PRO-C3 [25]

Released N-terminal propeptide of type III collagen

Type III collagen formation

PRO-C4 [26]

Internal epitope in the 7S domain of type IV collagen

Type IV collagen formation

PRO-C6 [27]

Released C5 domain of type VI collagen (endotrophin)

Type VI collagen formation

VICM [28]

Neoepitope of MMP-2,8–mediated degradation of citrullinated vimentin

Macrophage marker, inflammation

  1. ADAMTS a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif; MMP matrix metalloproteinase