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Table 4 Comparison of changes in both groups

From: Characteristics of the deventilation syndrome in COPD patients treated with non-invasive ventilation: an explorative study


Patients with deventilation syndrome (n = 11)

Patients without deventilation syndrome (n = 20)


Δ After mask removal/2 h


 Δ Borg Scale

− 2.36 (2.063)

0.20 (0.894)

 < 0.001

 Δ VCmax (%)

7.76 (6.39)

3.55 (8.54)


 Δ Inspiratory flow (ml)

7.50 (11.36)

1.58 (6.68)


Δ after mask removal/4 h


 Δ PaCO2 (mmHg)

− 0.71 (3.14)

0.53 (3.44)


 Δ 6MWT walking distance (m)

54.09 (50.51)

− 0.5 (8.03)

 < 0.001

  1. Bold values denote statistical significance
  2. Data are mean (SD)
  3. PaCO2 capillary carbon dioxide pressure, PaO2 capillary oxygen pressure, 6MWT 6-min walking test, VCmax maximum vital capacity