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Table 1 Characteristics of childhood asthma subjects compared to subjects without asthma in COPDGene

From: Childhood asthma is associated with COPD and known asthma variants in COPDGene: a genome-wide association study


Childhood Asthma

Never Asthma


N = 730

N = 7493

Male gender (%)a

388 (53%)

4255 (57%)


Mean age, year (SD)c

58 (9)

60 (9)

< 0.001

Non-Hispanic white (%)a

391 (54%)

5075 (68%)

< 0.001

African American (%)a

339 (46%)

2418 (32%)

< 0.001

Pack-years of smoking (SD)b

43 (25)

44 (25)


Current smoking (%)a

410 (56%)

4041 (54%)


History of hay fever (%)a

385 (53%)

1727 (23%)

< 0.001

  1. Univariate analysis with a Chi-square b Wilcoxon rank sum test c t-test