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Table 2 Ventilatory settings, days needed to initiate NIV, and compliance rates of the study completers

From: Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on the heart in stable COPD: a randomised cross-over pilot study

Ventilatory setting



IPAP, cm H2O, mean ± SD

15.5 ± 1.1

23.6 ± 3.1

EPAP, cm H2O, mean ± SD

5.2 ± 0.6

5.4 ± 0.9

BURR, breaths/min, mean ± SD

11.6 ± 1.5

15.4 ± 0.8

Supplemental oxygen, L/min, mean ± SD

1.6 ± 1.3

1.4 ± 1.2

Days needed to initiate NIV, median (range)

2.7 (2–5)

4.9 (2–10)

Number of hours used/day, median (range)

4.2 (0.04–7.5)

4.6 (0.11 to 9.2)

Percentage of days that NIV was used, % (range)

63 (2–100)

79 (2–100)

Mask, nasal, n (%))/oronasal, n (%))

3 (27)/8(73)

Exhalation, vented mask (n (%))/active valve (n (%))

9 (82)/2 (18)

Humidification, n (%)

10 (90)

  1. IPAP inspiratory positive airway pressure, EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure, BURR backup respiratory rate set on the ventilator, Supplemental oxygen connected to the ventilator, LI-NIV low-intensity NV, HI-NIV high-intensity NIV
  2. Patient ID 12 and 13 only completed the HI-NIV period and were ventilated with higher IPAP (IPAP 31 and 28 cm H2O), but similar BURR