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Table 3 Meana (95 % CI) post-bronchodilator lung function in subjects with COPD by vehicle density per 24 h within a 200 m buffer

From: Lung function reductions associated with motor vehicle density in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study


Post-bronchodilator [Mean (95 % CI)]


FEV1 % predicted

FVC % predicted

FEV1: FVC (%)

FEV1 reversibility (%)

All subjects (n = 221)


81.4 (75.6–87.2)

99.5 (92.4–106.5)

64.6 (61.9–67.2)

8.4 (6.5–10.3)


75.7 (70.7–80.7)

93.7 (87.7–99.8)

62.1 (59.8–64.3)

8.9 (7.1–10.7)


70.9* (66.5–75.3)

93.8 (88.4–99.1)

59.8* (57.8–61.8)

10.9 (8.9–13.0)

Males (n = 150)


80.3 (73.6–87.0)

95.6 (89.6–101.7)

64.1 (60.6–67.7)

8.5 (6.3–10.8)


78.0 (73.0–83.1)

94.4 (89.8–99.0)

62.2 (59.6–64.9)

8.8 (6.9–10.6)


71.9* (66.7–77.1)

93.2 (88.5–98.0)

58.9* (56.1–61.6)

10.6 (7.9–13.3)

Females (n = 71)


80.5 (69.7–91.2)

103.8 (86.7–120.9)

64.6 (60.6–68.6)

8.2 (4.6–11.7)


69.7 (55.8–83.6)

93.6 (71.5–115.7)

61.9 (56.7–67.0)

9.4 (4.5–14.3)


69.1# (61.4–76.8)

94.9 (82.7–107.2)

61.3 (58.5–64.2)

11.5 (8.3–14.6)

  1. *p < 0.05; #p < 0.1, for high (≥15,269 vehicles) compared to low exposure (<7179 vehicles)
  2. aData are presented as adjusted means (95 % CI). Statistical significance between the low and high density group was tested using regression analysis including confounders (age, smoking habits, BMI, education level, annual household income and SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage)
  3. FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FVC forced vital capacity