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Table 2 Comparison of HA inhibition of IAV strains by SP-D multimers and trimers

From: Reduced influenza viral neutralizing activity of natural human trimers of surfactant protein D

Viral Strain:

Phil82 H3N2

PR-8 H1N1

Braz79 H1N1

SP-D multimers

266 ± 47a

2200 ± 423

259 ± 40

SP-D trimers

≥2062 ± 437

p < 0.01 vs multimers


≥1750 ± 459

p < 0.01 vs multimers

  1. a HA inhibition was measured using human Type O erythrocytes as described. The results shown are the minimal concentrations of SP-D needed to inhibit 40 HAU of the indicated viral strains (mean ± SEM; n = 3–5 experiments). Where ≥ is shown some of the values were above the maximum concentration of SP-D added (i.e., 2500 ng/ml).