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Table 2 Treatment of first exacerbations in the infrequent and frequent exacerbator subgroups

From: Characterisation of exacerbation risk and exacerbator phenotypes in the POET-COPD trial

Treatment of first exacerbation, n (%)

Infrequent exacerbators

Frequent exacerbators

(n = 1687)

(n= 1004)

With antibioticsa

1481 (87.8)

827 (82.5)

With systemic corticosteroidsb

816 (48.5)

537 (53.3)

With antibiotics and systemic corticosteroids

615 (36.5)

361 (36.0)


315 (18.7)

125 (12.5)

  1. aRefers to n = 1686 for infrequent and n = 1003 for frequent exacerbators; bRefers to n = 1684 for infrequent and n = 1004 for frequent exacerbators.