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Table 2 Univariate and multivariate odds ratio of asthma severity (GINA Step III and IV Combined) According to asthma risk factors and smoking variables

From: Greater severity of new onset asthma in allergic subjects who smoke: a 10-year longitudinal study


Univariate Odds Ratio (95% CI)

P value

Multivariate Odds Ratio (95% CI)

P value







1.14 (0.58-2.23)

P = 0.71



1.07 (1.01-1.31)

P = 0.027


Family Hx of Atopy

0.76 (0.37-1.58)

P = 0.46


Model 1 (n = 61)

1.07 (0.31-3.66)

P = 0.92

1.19 (0.32-4.50)

P = 0.79

Passive Smoking


Model 2 (n = 152)


P = 0.043


Current or Former Smoker

2.10 (1.03-4.31)


1.93 (0.93-4.01)

P = 0.08

Model 3 (n = 125)


Packs per Year


   Never Smoker 0





   1-10 packs 1

1.31 (0.43-4.03)

P = 0.63

1.47 (0.46-4.68)

P = 0.52

   11-20 packs 2

3.51 (1.39-8.83)

P = 0.008

2.85 (1.09-7.46)

P = 0.032

   >20 packs 3

7.67 (2.09-28.07)

P = 0.002

5.59 (1.44-21.67)

P = 0.013

Model 4 (n = 142)


Smoking Status


   Never Smoker 0





   Former Smoker 1

1.28 (0.39-4.22)

P = 0.69

1.26 (0.37-4.24)

P = 0.79

   Current Smoker 2

3.07 (1.43-6.57)

P = 0.004

2.78 (1.28-6.08)

P = 0.009

  1. Model 1: Reference group are nonsmokers not exposed to passive smoking. Past and current smokers excluded.
  2. Model 2: Reference group are nonsmokers. No exclusions.
  3. Model 3: Past smokers and those who quit during follow up excluded.
  4. Model 4: Those who quit smoking during follow up excluded