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Fig. 3 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 3

From: Inspiratory response and side-effects to rapid bilateral magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation using differently shaped coils: implications for stimulation-assisted mechanical ventilation

Fig. 3

Summary of participant recruitment and analysis. RMS: rapid magnetic stimulation. Fifteen participants were initially recruited, and one participant withdrew. As such, 14 participants were included in the analysis for single-train RMS on the neck (RMSBAMPS), which occurred on visit 1. Of those 14 participants, 8 participants were equipped with balloon catheters and two of those were non-responders. One participant with balloons did not undergo single-train RMSBAMPS with the butterfly coil due to facial paresthesia. Therefore, 12 participants (six with balloons) could be analyzed with the parabolic and D-shape coil, while 11 participants (five with balloons) could be analyzed with the butterfly coil. One participant (without balloons) was unable to return for the RMSBAMPS-ventilation trial (visit 2) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while one participant who was equipped with balloons on visit 1 declined to undergo balloon catheter insertion on visit 2. One additional participant (without balloons) was unable to be ventilated with continuous RMSBAMPS. As such, ten participants (five with balloons) could be analyzed for RMSBAMPS-ventilation. Five participants elected to return for the optional visit in which single-train RMS was conducted on the chest, and three additional participants were recruited to undergo this visit only. Only one participant (without balloons) showed an inspiratory response to RMS on the chest with the parabolic coil only and could be analyzed

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