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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients enrolled in CovILD

From: Persisting alterations of iron homeostasis in COVID-19 are associated with non-resolving lung pathologies and poor patients’ performance: a prospective observational cohort study


N = 109


 Mean age, years (SD)

58 (14)

 Female sex, no. (%)

44 (40)

 Median body mass index (SD)a

26.7 (4.8)

Comorbidities, no. (%)


21 (19)

 Cardiovascular disease

44 (40)


32 (29)

 Pulmonary disease

21 (19)

 Endocrine disease

49 (45)


24 (22)

  Diabetes mellitus, type 2

20 (18)

 Chronic kidney disease

7 (6)

 Chronic liver disease

6 (6)


16 (15)


9 (8)


 Oxygen supply, no. (%)

53 (49)

 Non-invasive ventilation, no. (%)

2 (2)

 Invasive ventilation, no. (%)

16 (15)

  1. aThe body-mass index is the weight kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters
  2. bDue to disease or ongoing immunosuppressive treatment: renal transplantation (N = 1), psoriasis vulgaris (N = 1), Morbus Hashimoto (N = 1), leukaemia (N = 1), lymphoma (N = 3), gout (N = 1), polyarthritis (N = 1)
  3. cAll patients needing non-invasive or invasive ventilation were supplied with oxygen before ICU admission