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Fig. 6 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 6

From: Roflumilast partially reverses smoke-induced mucociliary dysfunction

Fig. 6

Effect of long acting ß2 mimetic in combination with roflumilast on CFTR function and ciliary beat frequency (CBF). a CFTR function, assessed by adding 10 μM albuterol followed by CFTRinh172, shows a significant decrease in cigarette smoke-exposed cell cultures compared to air control conditions. CFTR function remains significantly lower in smoke exposed cells compared to air controls when adding roflumilast, formoterol or both. Treatment with formoterol improves CFTR function in both smoke and air control compared to non-treated cells, whereas treatment with roflumilast alone under the same conditions does not. b CBF is decreased in smoke exposed cells compared to air controls. Neither roflumilast nor formoterol alone rescue smoke-induced decreases in CBF. However, the combination of both restores CBF levels to air control. * for p < 0.05, 11 lungs with n = 11 for all experiments

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