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Figure 4 | Respiratory Research

Figure 4

From: Chronic pneumonia with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and impaired alveolar fluid clearance

Figure 4

Evaluation of DAFC in the control compared to the pneumonic groups on the fifth day post instillation at baseline and after stimulation with terbutaline. A last group received terbutaline after bacterial eradication with ceftazidime administered intraperitoneally. None of the pneumonic groups could increase DAFC after either stimulation or bacterial eradication. Footnote: Data are mean (± SD). Comparisons between groups were made using analysis of variance with post hoc for multiple comparisons. *p < 0.05, statistically different from the control group. DAFC: distal alveolar fluid clearance. Ctr: Control group, Terbut: Control instilled with terbutaline (10-4 M), St + Terbut: Sterile beads instilled with terbutaline (10-4 M), Cefta + Terbut: Control group treated with ceftazidime (100 mg/kg/8 h for 72 h) and instilled with terbutaline (10-4 M), Pn5: Pneumonic group on the 5th day, Pn5 + Terbut: Pneumonic group on the 5th day instilled with terbutaline (10-4 M), Pn5 + Terbut IP: Pneumonic group on the 5th day with an intraperitoneal injection of terbutaline, Pn5 + Cefta+ Terbut: Pneumonic group on the 5th day treated with ceftazidime (100 mg/kg/8 h for 72 h) instilled with terbutaline (10-4 M).

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