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Fig. 6 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 6

From: IL-10 producing regulatory B cells are decreased in blood from smokers and COPD patients

Fig. 6

mRNA levels of transcription factors IRF4 and HIF-1α in sorted naive- and memory B cells upon medium or CSE exposure. mRNA levels of IL-10 transcription factors in FACS sorted naive- and memory B cells exposed to medium- or CSE were determined by bulk RNA sequencing: A IRF4 normalized counts in memory B cells (Bmem) and naive B cells (Bna) upon medium (white bars) or 5% cigarette smoke extract (CSE, grey bars) exposure, and B HIF-1α normalized counts in memory B cells (Bmem) and naive B cells (Bna) upon medium (white bars) or 5% CSE (grey bars) exposure

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