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Table 2 Prevalence of SAD defined by CT, IOS, and spirometry in total subjects with age stratification

From: The association between small airway dysfunction and aging: a cross-sectional analysis from the ECOPD cohort

Prevalence (%) of SAD in subgroups stratified by definitional methods

Age (yrs)

P for trend

 ≤ 49



 ≥ 70

Prevalence of SAD defined by CT

2.5 (4/157)

14.0 (83/592)

36.3 (302/831)

57.3 (160/279)

 < 0.001

Prevalence of SAD defined by IOS

24.2 (38/157)

21.3 (126/592)

37.4 (311/831)

45.9 (128/279)

 < 0.001

Prevalence of SAD defined by spirometry

43.3 (68/157)

61.1 (362/592)

82.1 (682/831)

93.2 (260/279)

 < 0.001

  1. P for trend was calculated by linear-by-linear association test. SAD defined by CT was LAA-856 > 20%. SAD defined by IOS was R5–R20 > 0.07 Ka/L/s. SAD defined by spirometry was post bronchodilator MMEF %predicted, FEF50%predicted or FEF75%predicted (any two of the three) < 65%
  2. SAD small airway dysfunction, CT computed tomography, IOS impulse oscillometry, yrs years