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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and outcomes of CAP patients from whom serum was collected

From: N-myc and STAT interactor is a novel biomarker of severity in community-acquired pneumonia: a prospective study


Patients with CAP (n = 394)

Demographic characteristics

 Age (years)

54 (31–67)


235 (59.6)

Coexisting illnesses

 Hypertensive heart disease

68 (17.3)

 Diabetes mellitus

36 (9.1)

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasee

17 (4.3)

 Liver disease

14 (3.6)

 Coronary artery disease

11 (2.8)

 Renal dysfunction

9 (2.3)

 Congestive heart failure

8 (2.0)

 Cerebrovascular disease

8 (2.0)

 Neoplastic disease

8 (2.0)

 Antibiotic pretreatment

107 (27.2)

Laboratory findings

 PCT (ng/ml)

0.28 (0.15–0.59)

 CRP (mg/l)

44.55 (15.98–106.25)

 WBC (10^9/l)

7.95 (6.10–11.30)

 Neutrophils (10^9/l)

6.00 (4.10–8.90)

 NCP (%)

75.70 (67.08–83.65)

Radiographic findings

 Pleural effusion

107 (27.2)

 Multilobar infection

146 (37.1)

PSI class


328 (83.3)


34 (8.6)


32 (8.1)

CURB65 score class


323 (82.0)


29 (7.4)


42 (10.6)

Clinical outcomes

 30-day mortality

31 (7.9)

 ICU admission

46 (11.7)

  1. Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or n (%)