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Fig. 5 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 5

From: Short-term intermittent cigarette smoke exposure enhances alveolar type 2 cell stemness via fatty acid oxidation

Fig. 5

Effect of blocking or inducing FAO in vitro on naïve AT2 stem cells. A Study design and experimental protocol. The effect of different etomoxir or L-carnitine concentrations on colony formation in the 3D colony-forming assay was evaluated in air-exposed mice. Etomoxir or L-carnitine was added to the medium. (B-E) Representative day 14 images of alveolar colonies treated with different concentrations of etomoxir are presented. F Comparison of the effect of etomoxir. Quantification of colony-forming efficiency (CFE) was conducted using triplicate wells. Data are presented as means ± SD. The reproducibility was confirmed using two repeated experiments. G–I Representative day 14 images are presented for alveolar colonies treated with different concentrations of L-carnitine. J Comparison of the effect of L-carnitine. Quantification of CFE was conducted using triplicate wells. Data are presented as means ± SD. The reproducibility was confirmed using two repeated experiments. *P < 0.05. Scale bars: 500 μm

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