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Table 1 Anthropometric and clinical data for COVID-19 survivors

From: Lung function and breathing patterns in hospitalised COVID-19 survivors: a review of post-COVID-19 Clinics





N = 




Male: Female

26 M: 19F

38 M: 9F*

64 M: 28F

Age (years)

54.7 (24.0–83.0)

55.5 (21.0–77.0)

56.0 (21.0–83.0)

Weight (kg)

87.0 (78.0–105.0)

93.0 (86.5–107.9)

91.5 (79.8–106.2)

BMI (kg/m2)

30.7 (28.2–35.6)

32.2 (29.8–37.1)

31.8 (28.7–35.89)


1 (2.1%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (1.1%)


3 (6.7%)

6 (12.8%)

10 (10.8%)


16 (35.6%)

10 (21.3%)

27 (29.3%)


25 (55.5%)

31 (66.0%)

54 (58.7%)



14 (31.1%)

21 (44.7%)

35 (38.0%)


5 (11.1%)

1 (2.1%)

6 (6.5%)


24 (53.3%)

24 (51.1%)

48 (52.2%)

 SE Asian

2 (4.4%)

1 (2.1%)

3 (3.3%)

Smoking history


2 (4.4%)

1 (2.1%)

3 (3.3%)


14 (31.1%)

13 (27.7%)

28 (30.4%)


29 (64.4%)

31 (70.2%)

52 (64.1%)

Haemoglobin (g/L)

129.6 (2.7)

136.0 (2.2)

133.0 (1.8)

  < 120 g/L

7 (14.9%)

12 (25.5%)

19 (20.2%)

Admission Details (days)

 Ward Duration

9.2 (5.8)

13.6 (8.8)

 ITU Duration


26.3 (9.2)

 In-Patient Stay

9.2 (5.8)

40.3 (16.6)

  1. Patients include those treated on medical wards only (Ward), those that attended intensive therapy unit (ITU) and the total group (ALL). Age is presented as Mean (range), Admission Details are presented as Mean (SD), and all other data are presented as Mean (SE), Median (IQR), or number (% cohort). The only significant difference was the proportion of males to females, where there was a higher proportion of males on ITU versus Ward (*p = 0.02)