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Table 2 ProET-1 values and different cut-offs stratified by the analyzed respiratory infections and by survivors and non-survivors

From: Association of endothelial activation assessed through endothelin-I precursor peptide measurement with mortality in COVID-19 patients: an observational analysis


Pneumonia (n = 876)

Acute or chronic exacerbated bronchitis (n = 371)

SARS-CoV-2 (n = 74)

Survivors (n = 827)

Non-Survivors n = 49)

Survivors (n = 361)

Non-Survivors (n = 10)

Survivors (n = 57)

Non-Survivors (n = 17)

proET-1 values

 proET-1 overall [pmol/L], median (IQR)

110.0 (80.0, 163.0)

209.0 (135.0, 328.0)

94.0 (67.0, 133.0)

176.5 (155.0, 230.0)

53.6 (37.0, 69.0)

81.8 (76.0, 118.0)

proET-1 cut-offs, n (%)

 < 74 [pmol/L]

162 (19.6%)

3 (6%)

114 (31.6%)

0 (0%)

44 (77.2%)

4 (24%)

  ≥ 74 [pmol/L]

141 (17.0%)

4 (8%)

68 (18.8%)

1 (10%)

8 (14.0%)

8 (47%)

  > 94 [pmol/L]

292 (35.3%)

9 (18%)

115 (31.9%)

1 (10%)

3 (5.3%)

3 (18%)

  > 154 [pmol/L]

232 (28.1%)

33 (67%)

64 (17.7%)

8 (80%)

2 (3.5%)

2 (12%)

proET-1 median-cut-off, n, (%)

  < 107 [pmol/L]

378 (45.7%)

9 (18%)

215 (59.6%)

1 (10%)

52 (91.2%)

12 (71%)

  ≥ 107 [pmol/L]

449 (54.3%)

40 (82%)

146 (40.4%)

9 (90%)

5 (8.8%)

5 (29%)

  1. IQR, interquartile range; proET-1, proEndothelin-1; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2