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Table 4 Lung immunostaining Cohort: Demographic and clinical characteristics

From: ADAM15 expression is increased in lung CD8+ T cells, macrophages, and bronchial epithelial cells in patients with COPD and is inversely related to airflow obstruction


Non-smokersa (N = 10)

Smokersa (N = 10)

COPD GOLD stages I-II (N = 14)

COPD GOLD stages III-IV (N = 17)

P valuec

Number of males (%)

4 (40)

4 (40)

9 (64)

7 (41)


Age (years)

63 ± 12

65 ± 9

65 ± 10

61 ± 7


Pack-yrs. of smoking


38 (10–84)

62 (18–120)

42 (13–80)

P < 0.001d

Number of current smokers (%)

0 (0)

2 (20)

1 (7)

0 (0)


FEV1(% of predicted)b

97 (60–133)

87 (70–108)

72 (50–115)

24 (13–46)

P ≤ 0.03e

FEV1/FVC (% of predicted)b

82 (74–111)

81 (72–111)

61 (40–70)

39 (20–68)

P < 0.001f

  1. The table shows the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients with COPD, smokers without COPD, and non-smoker controls who underwent either a lung biopsy, lung volume reduction surgery, or lung transplantation (see Online Supplement). Patients with COPD were sub-divided according to the Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria
  2. Data are presented as median (interquartile range) for data that were not normally distributed or mean ± SD for data that were normally distributed
  3. a Non-smokers were all never-smokers. Smokers were defined as subjects that had a > 10 pack-years smoking history. Current smokers were defined as active smokers at the time of the surgery or had stopped smoking < 1 year before the biopsy or surgery
  4. b All patients with COPD had forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity ratio (FEV1/FVC) < 0.7, whereas smokers without COPD and non-smoker controls had FEV1/FCV > 0.7
  5. c Categorical variables were analyzed with z-test. Statistical analyses included One-Way ANOVA tests for continuous variables (age, FEV1% predicted, FEV1/FCV, and pack-years of smoking history) followed by pair-wise comparisons using 2 tailed Student’s t-tests for parametric data or Mann-Whitney U tests for non-parametric data
  6. d The pack-years of smoking histories of the GOLD stage I-II and GOLD stage III-IV COPD groups were not significantly different from those of the smoker group (P = 0.1 and P = 0.6, respectively). The pack-years of smoking histories of the GOLD stage I-II and GOLD stage III-IV COPD groups and the smoker group were significantly different from those of the non-smoker group by design (P < 0.001 for all comparisons)
  7. e The FEV1 values of the GOLD stage III-IV patients with COPD were significantly different from those of the non-smokers, smokers, and GOLD stage I-II COPD group by design (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). The FEV1 values for the GOLD stage I-II COPD group were significantly different from those of the non-smoker and smoker groups (P = 0.006 and P = 0.03, respectively)
  8. f The FEV1/FVC ratios of the GOLD stage III-IV patients with COPD were significantly different from those of the non-smoker, smoker, and GOLD stage I-II COPD groups (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). The FEV1/FVC ratios of the GOLD stage I-II patients with COPD were significantly different from those of the non-smoker and groups (P < 0.001 for both comparisons)
  9. NS not significant