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Fig. 2 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 2

From: Cardiac biomarkers of prognostic importance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Fig. 2

Survival among individuals with a COPD and b normal lung function, respectively, illustrated by Kaplan Meier curves by categories of cardiac biomarkers based on hs-cTnI and ischemic ECG abnormalities (I-ECG). Due to limited sample size at the end of follow-up, one subject that deceased after 2100 days is not included in Fig. 2 A, due to an unproportionate effect on the curve for hs-cTnI > 5 ng/L alone. This did not affect the Log Rank p-value. (I-ECG includes Major Q/QS wave, major isolated ST-T abnormality, Minor Q wave plus major ST-T and minor isolated Q wave)

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