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Table 2 Association of BMI with FEV1 decline in the systematically reviewed studies

From: BMI is associated with FEV1 decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a meta-analysis of clinical trials

Author (year of publication)

RCT source

Statistical method

BMI association with FEV1 declinea


Nature of relationship

Celli (2008) [16]


Random coefficients model. Covariates: baseline FEV1, age, sex, smoking status, treatment, time on treatment, treatment*time, region

BMI interval, kg/m2

FEV1 decline (SE), mL/yr

Effect of BMI on FEV1 decline, p < 0.001

FEV1 decline decreases with increasing BMI

<  20 (n = 719)

−51.1 (4.4)

20 to < 25 (n = 2003)

−50.5 (2.5)

25 to < 29 (n = 1424)

−42.1 (2.9)

≥29(n = 1197)

−35.1 (3.2)

Calverley (2018) [17]


Random coefficients model. Covariates: baseline FEV1, age, sex, smoking status, treatment, time, treatment*time

BMI interval, kg/m2

FEV1 decline (SE), mL/yr

Effect of BMI on FEV1 decline, p < 0.001

FEV1 decline decreases with increasing BMI

< 18.5 (n = 494)

−52 (7.2)

18.5 to < 25 (n = 4562)

−50 (2.3)

25 to < 30 (n = 5362)

−40 (2)

≥30 (n = 5039)

−37 (2.1)

Tashkin (2008) [19]


Random coefficients model. Covariates: treatment, subgroup, subgroup*BMI

BMI interval, kg/m2

FEV1 decline (SE),mL/yr


FEV1 decline decreases with increasing BMI in both treatment groups



<  20 (n = 242)

−53 (4)

20 to < 25 (n = 915)

−44 (2)

25 to < 30 (n = 903)

−36 (2)

≥30(n = 494)

−34 (3)



<  20 (n = 280)

−55 (4)

20 to < 25 (n = 782)

−49 (2)

25 to < 30 (n = 853)

−37 (2)

≥30 (n = 495)

−34 (3)

Anzueto (2015) [20]


Mixed repeated measures model. Covariates: treatment, visit, treatment*visit as fixed effects, with random intercept and slope

BMI interval, kg/m2

FEV1 decline (SE), mL/yrb


Inverse J-shape – lowest FEV1 decline in overweight (BMI 25 to < 30 kg/m2)

< 18.5 (n = 51)

−45.2 (19.9)

18.5 to < 25 (n = 436)

−32.1 (6.6)

25 to < 30 (n = 492)

−31.8 (6.1)

≥30 (n = 391)

−35.5 (6.8)

Tkacova (2016) [15]


Multivariate linear model. Covariates: baseline FEV1, age, sex, BMI, smoking status

Coefficient of BMI not significant, p = 0.489

No significant association

  1. aChange in post-bronchodilator or post-study drug measurements unless otherwise stated. bchange in trough FEV1. RCT, randomized controlled trial; BMI body mass index, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, SE standard error, ND, not determined