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Table 1 Baseline clinical characteristics in participants with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Data are shown for all subjects with IPF and then for the population separated in to those with progressive or stable disease at 12 months. Data are mean (SD) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. BMI = body-mass index. FVC = forced vital capacity. DLCO = diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide. CPI = composite physiological index, *Number of subjects analysed due to missing data

From: Biomarkers of collagen synthesis predict progression in the PROFILE idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis cohort


All (n = 145)

Progressive (n = 73)

Stable (n = 71)

Age (years)

71.7 (7.7)

71.8 (8.3)

71.5 (7.1)

Sex (male)

117 (80.7%)

58 (79.5%)

59 (83.1%)



142 (97.9%)

71 (97.3%)

70 (98.6%)


2 (1.4%)

1 (1.4%)

1 (1.4%)

 Mixed race

1 (0.7%)

1 (1.4%)


Ever Smokers

108 (74.5%)

54 (74.0%)

54 (76.1%)

BMI (kg/m2)

28.4 (4.4) *n = 144

28.7 (4.7) *n = 72

28.0 (4.1) *n = 71

FVC (% predicted)

79.8 (20.4) *n = 140

75.6 (20.4) *n = 69

83.8 (19.9) *n = 70

DLCO ((% predicted)

48.2 (17.9) *n = 129

41.1 (11.9) *n = 61

54.7 (20.1) *n = 67

12 month-baseline FVC (% predicted)

−4.6 (11.7) *n = 95

−16.4 (10.1) *n = 32

1.5 (6.9) *n = 63

12 month-baseline TLCO (% predicted)

−3.8 (7.7) *n = 75

−10.2 (6.3) *n = 22

−1.1 (6.6) *n = 53


44.9 (14.9) *n = 129

50.5 (11.1) *n = 61

39.8 (16.3) *n = 67

Median follow-up days

1051 (584, 1180)

609 (196, 1092)

1128.0 (1050, 1212)