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Table 1 (abstract REGABS18030). Results from the multilevel analyses. Only significant predictors shown

From: Abstracts from the 2018 Respiratory Effectiveness Group Summit

Hypothesis 1, dependent variable RDAC

Model 1

OR (95% CI)

Characteristics interval level

 Adherence within interval

1.01 (1.00-1.01)**

Characteristics patient level

 Gender (ref=female)

1.58 (1.34-1.87)***

 Smoking history (ref=current)


1.47 (1.15-1.89)**


1.61 (1.18-2.19)**

 Diagnosed with (ref=no)


0.52 (0.35-0.78)**

  CCI (ref=low (≤4))

0.65 (0.50-0.85)**

  Doses in the device

1.00 (0.99-1.00)*

  Daily dose

1.07 (1.00-1.15)*

The following predictors were found to be non-significant. Characteristics interval level: SABA overuse within interval/lagged, adherence lagged. Characteristics patient level: age, BMI, deprivation, asthma duration, type of ICS device, diagnosed with- rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, hayfever, GERD, other respiratory disease.

Hypothesis 2, dependent variable adherence

Model 1a

Model 2b

Estimate (SE)

Estimate (SE)

Characteristics interval level

 Within same interval

  ≥1 Prescription of antibiotics (ref=no)

-1.77 (0.64)**


  ≥1 Asthma-related outpatient visits (ref=no)

-2.32 (1.17)*


  SABA overuse (ref=no)

-6.68 (0.42)***

-6.69 (0.42)***

  Risk domain asthma control (ref=no)


2.18 (0.46)**

 Previous interval

  SABA overuse (ref=no)

-1.22 (0.44)**

-1.21 (0.44)**

Characteristics patient level


0.07 (0.01)***

0.07 (0.01)***

 Deprivation (ref=Q1 most affluent)


0.94 (0.88)

0.91 (0.88)


2.05 (0.91)*

2.02 (0.91)*


0.51 (0.91)

0.46 (0.91)

  Q5 (most deprived)

0.96 (0.98)

0.93 (0.98)

 Diagnosed with (ref=no)

  Hay fever

-2.63 (0.79)***

-2.62 (0.79)***


2.75 (1.10)*

2.59 (1.10)*

 Doses in the device

0.13 (0.0)***

0.13 (0.0)***

 Daily dose

-3.88 (0.15)***

-3.87 (0.15)***

The following predictors were found to be non-significant. Characteristics interval level, within same interval ≥1: asthma-related hospitalizations, respiratory-related hospitalizations, asthma-related hospitalizations & emergency visits, prescriptions of acute OCS, moderate to severe exacerbations. Characteristics interval level, previous interval ≥1: asthma-related hospitalizations, respiratory-related hospitalizations, asthma-related hospitalizations & emergency visits, prescriptions of acute OCS, prescription of antibiotics, asthma-related outpatient visits, moderate to severe exacerbations, risk domain asthma control. Characteristics patient level: gender, BMI, smoking history, asthma duration, CCI, diagnosed with- rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, GERD, other respiratory disease

a Separate asthma events, both within the same interval as lagged. bOnly composite risk domain asthma control, both within the same interval as lagged. Significance levels: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001