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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Neutrophil extracellular traps in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis


Healthy controls n = 32

Primary TB

n = 61


 Age (years)

30 (24–35)

28 (22–43,5)

 Male sex (n)

25 (78%)

44 (72%)

 Smoker (n)

8 (25%)

30 (49%)

 Affected family member with TB (n)

0 (0%)

6 (10%)

 BCG-vaccinated (n)

20 (63%)

21 (34%)

 HIV-positive (ii)

0 (0%)

2 (3%)


 Fever (n)

0 (0%)

61 (100%)

 Night sweats (n)

0 (0%)

23 (38%)

 Weight loss (n)

0 (0%)

44 (72%)

 Fatigue (n)

1 (3%)

32 (52%)

 Shortness of breath (n)

1 (3%)

7 (11%)

 Productive cough (n)

3 (9%)

56 (92%)


 Temperature (°C)

36.9 (36.5–37.1)

37.2 (36.9–38.1)***

 MAP (mmHg)

83 (79–93)

80 (70–87)*

 Heart rate (bpm)

80 (78–84)

90 (80–100)***

 Respiratory rate (brpm)

20 (20–24)

24 (22–28)***

 BMI (w/12)

24.3 (22.7–26.0)

17.6 (15.6–19.6)***

  1. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, expressed as weight (w) divided by length (l)2; bpm beats per minute, brpm breaths per minute, MAP mean arterial blood pressure, n total number, TB tuberculosis. Percentages given are within study group. Data are medians with interquartile ranges. *P < 0·05, ***P < 0·001 for the difference between primary TB or recurrent TB-patients versus controls