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Table 5 Predictors of QoL in stepwise multivariable linear regression analyses

From: Health related quality of life in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in clinical practice: insights-IPF registry






Beta 95% CI p value

Beta 95% CI p value

Beta 95% CI p value

Beta 95% CI p value



0.28 0.05; 0.52 0.018


Disease duration in months


0.07 0.02; 0.12 0.010


GAP index

 Stage I



 Stage II

−5.02 −10.78; 0.74 0.087


 Stage III

−12.24 −19.71; −4.78 0.001


Physician’s overall judgment

 Stable disease





 Slow progression

−5.46 −12.48; 1.55 0.126

−0.42 −1.61; 0.76 0.484

2.59 −3.36; 8.54 0.392


 Rapid progression

−15.28 −25.42; −5.14 0.003

−2.74 −4.73; −0.75 0.007

9.06 1.35; 16.76 0.021


 No judgement possible

−5.43 −12.72; 1.86 0.144

−0.43 −1.68; 0.81 0.495

2.40 −3.98; 8.77 0.460


Long-term oxygen therapy

−14.31 −20.66; −7.95 <0.001

−3.20 −4.32; −2.08 <0.001

7.42 1.74; 13.10 0.011

22.99 13.50; 32.48 <0.001

NYHA functional class







−8.52 −15.67; −1.37 0.020


12.85 5.76; 19.94 <0.001

15.78 7.55; 24.01 <0.001


−7.40 −15.36; 0.55 0.068


21.05 13.06; 29.04 <0.001

28.96 18.96; 38.95 <0.001


−24.87 −37.41; −12.32 <0.001


29.63 19.32; 39.94 <0.001

38.49 22.48; 54.51 <0.001

FVC %pred


0.04 0.01; 0.07 0.006

−0.21 −0.36; −0.06 0.005

−0.33 −0.57; −0.09 <0.001

  1. Considered variables in stepwise multivariable linear regression analyses: Disease duration, FVC %pred, Long-term oxygen therapy, Age, Physician’s overall judgment, NYHA stage, Duration since first symptoms, GAP index, No. of comorbidities, 6MWD, Sex, Hospitalisation in last 12 months, Pulmonary rehabilitation, CPI