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Fig. 7 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 7

From: Anti-inflammatory potential of PI3Kδ and JAK inhibitors in asthma patients

Fig. 7

Expression of PI3Kδ in subepithelial and BAL T-cells from asthma patients and healthy subjects. PI3Kδ expression was examined in CD3 cells in subepithelial bronchial tissue and BAL by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry, respectively. Representative images show PI3Kδ expression in bronchial tissue from healthy subjects (a) and asthma patients (b). Arrows and amplified images highlight example staining: Red for CD3 only; Blue for PI3Kδ only; Green for dual CD3 and PI3Kδ. Black scale bars represent 50 μm. Data is presented as (c) numbers of CD3+ PI3Kδ+ cells per mm2 subepithelium (Healthy n = 10; Asthma n = 9); (d) percentage of subepithelial CD3 cells expressing PI3Kδ (Healthy n = 8; Asthma n = 8); (e) percentage of BAL CD3 cells expressing PI3Kδ (Healthy n = 6; Asthma n = 9) and (f) PI3Kδ-dependent mean fluorescence intensity in dual labelled CD3+ PI3Kδ+ BAL cells (Healthy n = 6; Asthma n = 9), with bar illustrating mean values. The percentage of subepithelial CD3 cells expressing PI3Kδ could not be calculated for n = 2 healthy and n = 1 asthma, due to lack of CD3 cells. Differences between healthy and asthma were assessed by T-test: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

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