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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants

From: Determinants and impact of suboptimal asthma control in Europe: The INTERNATIONAL CROSS-SECTIONAL AND LONGITUDINAL ASSESSMENT ON ASTHMA CONTROL (LIAISON) study



n = 3526 (43.5)

Partly controlled

n = 1462 (18.0)


n = 3123 (38.5)

Overall p-value*

Overall population

n = 8111 (100.0)

Age [years], mean (SD)

49 (16)

49 (16)

52 (15)


50 (16)

Age categories (years), n (%)




  ≤ 39

991 (30.1)

407 (30.0)

572 (21.9)


1970 (27.1)


1612 (49.0)

694 (51.1)

1519 (58.2)


3825 (52.7)

  ≥ 65

688 (20.9)

257 (18.9)

518 (19.9)


1463 (20.2)

Gender, n (%)



2207 (62.8)

996 (68.3)

2184 (70.1)


5387 (66.6)

Body mass index categories, n (%)




 Normal weight (≥18.5 and <25 kg/m2)

1469 (41.7)

545 (37.3)

1044 (33.4)


3058 (37.7)

 Obese (≥30 kg/m2)

763 (21.7)

384 (26.3)

968 (31.0)


2115 (26.1)

 Overweight (≥25 and <30 kg/m2)

1238 (35.1)

505 (34.5)

1069 (34.2)


2812 (34.7)

 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2)

53 (1.5)

28 (1.9)

42 (1.3)


123 (1.5)

Living environment, n (%)





871 (26.8)

412 (30.0)

792 (27.1)


2075 (27.5)


2374 (73.2)

960 (70.0)

2131 (72.9)


5465 (72.5)

Education, n (%)





54 (1.8)

13 (1.0)

52 (1.9)


119 (1.7)

 Primary/middle school

1122 (36.9)

528 (39.9)

1235 (45.7)


2885 (40.8)

 High school

1179 (38.8)

461 (34.8)

890 (32.9)


2530 (35.8)

 Graduate/Post Graduate

685 (22.5)

321 (24.3)

528 (19.5)


1534 (21.7)

Employment status, n (%)





1811 (56.8)

734 (54.0)

1310 (45.1)


3855 (51.8)


602 (18.9)

263 (19.3)

553 (19.1)


1418 (19.0)

 Retired/Unable to work

773 (24.3)

363 (26.7)

1039 (35.8)


2175 (29.2)

Occupational exposure to allergens/irritants among employed, n (%)

581 (32.1)

294 (40.1)

542 (41.4)


1417 (36.8)

Smoking habits, n (%)





2312 (66.6)

913 (63.8)

1966 (63.8)


5191 (65.0)

 Current Smoker

314 (9.0)

182 (12.7)

425 (13.8)


921 (11.5)


846 (24.4)

337 (23.5)

691 (22.4)


1874 (23.5)

Smoking history pack yearsb, mean (SD)

14 (14)

15 (14)

16 (16)


15 (15)

Pack years ≥10, n (%)

588 (51.9)

280 (55.9)

641 (58.5)


1509 (55.3)

Allergies, n (%)





2327 (68.6)

953 (67.3)

1992 (65.8)


5272 (67.3)


1065 (31.4)

463 (32.7)

1035 (34.2)


2563 (32.7)

Frequent allergiesc


 Inhalants, n (%)

2148 (92.3)

861 (90.3)

1783 (89.5)


4792 (90.9)

 Drugs, n (%)

247 (10.6)

115 (12.1)

312 (15.7)


674 (12.8)

 Foods, n (%)

219 (9.4)

98 (10.3)

207 (10.4)


524 (9.9)

Comorbidities relevant to respiratory tractd, n (%)

 Allergic rhinitis

976 (55.8)

452 (57.6)

860 (50.3)


2288 (53.9)


508 (29.0)

247 (31.5)

629 (36.8)


1384 (32.6)

 Gastro − esophageal reflux

351 (20.1)

181 (23.1)

500 (29.2)


1032 (24.3)

 Chronic rhinosinusitis

259 (14.8)

96 (12.2)

276 (16.1)


631 (14.9)

 Psychological disturbances

145 (8.3)

95 (12.1)

333 (19.5)


573 (13.5)

 Respiratory infections

105 (6.0)

81 (10.3)

288 (16.8)


474 (11.2)

 Nasal polyposis

165 (9.4)

54 (6.9)

150 (8.8)


369 (8.7)

 Obstruction Sleep Apnea Syndrome

74 (4.2)

33 (4.2)

92 (5.4)


199 (4.7)

 Congestive heart failure

27 (1.5)

27 (3.4)

113 (6.6)


167 (3.9)

Outpatients visitse

 Mean (SD)

5.3 (5.6)

6.9 (6.5)

8.3 (7.7)


6.7 (6.8)

 Patients with at least one visit, n (%)

3353 (95.1)

1399 (95.7)

2996 (95.9)


7748 (95.5)

  1. The percentages have been calculated based on the number of available data for each variable
  2. n number of patients, SD standard deviation
  3. *p-value based on Chi-square for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test for quantitative variables
  4. aPatients who stopped smoking at least one year prior to study start
  5. bRefers to current smokers and ex-smokers
  6. cThe percentages are calculated based on the number of patients with allergies
  7. dPatients could have more than one comorbidity
  8. eIncluding visits to respiratory physician, allergologist, other specialist and general practitioner in the last 12 months